Belgian Murga: a mestizo Europe By Fiëbre (BE) Matienschön 2012. Curators: Agustín Jais, Laura Preger, Martina Amiras. Fiëbre is a cultural platform active in Antwerp by initiative of the Argentine artist and producer Gerardo Salinas. The collective initiated the Murga movement in the country, and created the annual festival MAF, short for Mestizo Arts Festival, a platform for diversity and …
The other castle: experimental videogames Matienschön, 2012. Curators: Agustin Jais, Martina Amiras, Manuela Trujillo.
VolumenExpress: Fachades in crisis Matienschön, 2011. Curator: Agustin Jais The videoinstallation by the German/Norway artists Veronika Bökelmann and Anett Vietzke explored the consequences of Argentina’s 2001 economic crisis. The work, which premiered in Galerie Stadtgestalt (Berlin) and won the Jury Prize at the Stuttgarter Filmwinter 2011, was presented in Argentina on the 10th Anniversary of 20/12/2001, the critical day of …
Felipunch: Esa idea no se sostiene! Matienschön, 2011. Curators: Luz Peuscovich, Camille Cousin, Agustin Jais The first exhibition by the Rosario-based artist reimagines the space as an extension of Pablo Boffelli’s working space, and takes into space some of the obsessions present in his work.