K.A.K.: The penultimate human
Curated by Agustín Jais. Club Cultural Matienzo, 2018
The performance collective based in Brussels presents a site-specific show in collaboration with local artists.
Eight members of K.A.K., winners of Matienschön’s International Residency Program, worked for a month with local artists and enthusiasts to create a one-night-only new play. It is the first presentation of the collective in Latin America. The performance occupies 10 different spaces of the host venue, Club Cultural Matienzo, allowing the audience to walk around a museum of the XXI Century. A Human Zoo that uses visual and theatrical means with a brutal surrealist humor to confront spectators with the most typical human actions.
KAK – Koekelbergse Alliantie van Knutselaars
Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek
MARTE Matienzo Artes Escénicas
Club Cultural Matienzo
Flanders State of the Art
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie
gemeente Molenbeek (wijkcontract Zinneke)
Hospeda Cultura